Scientific articles in their original forms for those that wish to further explore the evolution of our knowledge about HPV and oral cancers

2000 -2003

Dr. Gillison et. al. – Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 92, No. 9, May 2000

Morten Frisch, M.D., Ph.D., Marc T. Goodman – CANCER, March 2000 / Volume 88 / Number 6

Read news release on this study Dr. Gillison, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2001

Maura L. Gillison, Keerti V. Shah – Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs No. 31, 2003

Dr. Gillison, Devaraj, Wu, Crit. Rev. Oral Biol. Medicine, 2003

2004 -2007

Rebecca Anhang, Annekathryn Goodman, Sue J. Goldie, Journal Cancer, 2004

Caroline H. Shiboski, Brian L. Schmidt, Richard C. K. Jordan, The American Cancer Society, 2006

Carole Fakhry and Maura L. Gillison, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2006

Dr. Gillison et. al., Johns Hopkins, New England Journal of Medicine, May 2007

Gypsyamber D’Souza, Ph.D., Aimee R. Kreimer, Ph.D., Raphael Viscidi, M.D.,
Michael Pawlita, M.D., Carole Fakhry, M.D., M.P.H., Wayne M. Koch, M.D.,
William H. Westra, M.D., and Maura L. Gillison, M.D., Ph.D.,
New England Journal of Medicine, May 2007

Dr. Robert Haddad – American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting, 2007

C.C.R. Ragin, Modugno and S.M. Gollin, Journal of Dental Research, 2007

Dr. Gillison, Medscape CME course. November 2007

Applebaum, Kelsey et. al., Journal of the National Cancer Institute, December, 2007

Listen to Dr. Gillison discuss her current research through the audio link below Play Dr. Gillison Research

Dr. Gillison, et. al., Johns Hopkins, Journal of Clinical Oncology, February 2007

2008 -2011

Dr. Gillison et. al. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, March 2008

Dr. Gillison, Anil K. Chaturvedi, Douglas R. Lowy, Journal Cancer, November 2008

Dr. Gillison, Journal of Clinical Oncology, December 2008

Otis W. Brawley, Cancer Prevention Research, September 2009

Kathleen Settle, Kevin J. Cullen, The Journal of Cancer Prevention Research, September 2009

Theodore Rampias, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, September 2009

Dr. Gillison, Kim Ang, The New England Journal of Medicine, June 2010

Torbjörn Ramqvist and Tina Dalianis, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, November 2010

Alexander Langerman, MD, Elizabeth A Blair, MD, Ezra Cohen, MD, Ibiayi Dagogo-Jack, CME Update from Medscape, November 2010

Giuliano MD, et. al., Lancet, March 2011

Dr. Gillison, Journal of Clinical Oncology, October 2011

Anil K. Chaturvedi, Maura L. Gillison – Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2011

2012 – 2014

Dr. Gillison, MD, PhD et. al., Journal of the American Medical Association, Jan 2012

Dr. Gillison, Kim Ang, Journal of Clinical Oncology, May 2012

Dr. Gillison, Mark W. Lingen, Oral Oncology, 2012

Xavier Castellsagué, Dr. Gillison, Vaccine, 2012

Ahmedin Jemal, Brenda K. Edwards, Oxford University Press, January 2013

Carole Fakhry, Gypsyamber D’Souza, Oxford University Press, June 2013

Aime ́e R. Kreimer, Paul Brennan, Journal of Clinical Oncology, July 2013

Aimée R Kreimer, Christine M Pierce Campbell, Hui-Yi Lin, William Fulp, Mary R Papenfuss, Martha Abrahamsen, Allan Hildesheim, Luisa L Villa,
Jorge J Salmerón, Eduardo Lazcano-Ponce, Anna R Giuliano, Lancet, July 2013

Gypsyamber D’Souza, Kevin Cullen, Janice Bowie, Roland Thorpe, Carole Fakhry, PLOS ONE, Jan 2014

Gypsyamber D’Souza, Neil D. Gross, Sara I. Pai, Robert Haddad, Karen S. Anderson, Shirani Rajan, Jennifer Gerber, Maura L. Gillison, and Marshall R. Posner, Journal of Clinical Oncology, May 2014

Martin Steinau, Mona Saraiya, Marc T. Goodman, Edward S. Peters, Meg Watson, Jennifer L. Cleveland, Charles F. Lynch, Edward J. Wilkinson, Brenda Y. Hernandez, Glen Copeland,
Maria S. Saber, Claudia Hopenhayn, Youjie Huang, Wendy Cozen, Christopher Lyu, Elizabeth R. Unger, and the HPV Typing of Cancers Workgroup, Journal of Clinical Oncology, May 2014

Gypsyamber D’Souza, Nicole Kluz, Alicia Wentz, Renee M. Youngfellow, Anne Griffioen, Emily Stammer, Yingshi Guo, Weihong Xiao and Maura L. Gillison, Cancers, June 2014

David G. Pfister and Matthew G. Fury, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Sept 2014


Carole Fakhry, Klaus K. Andersen, David W. Eisele, Maura L. Gillison, Oral Oncology, Aug 2015

Eleni M. Rettig, MD; AliciaWentz, MA; Marshall R. Posner, MD; Neil D. Gross, MD; Robert I. Haddad, MD; Maura L. Gillison, MD, PhD; Carole Fakhry, MD; Harry Quon, MD; Andrew G. Sikora, MD, PhD;
William J. Stott, CCRP; Jochen H. Lorch, MD; Christine G. Gourin, MD; Yingshi Guo, MS;Weihong Xiao, MD; Brett A. Miles, DDS, MD; Jeremy D. Richmon, MD; Peter E. Andersen, MD; Krzysztof J. Misiukiewicz, MD; Christine H. Chung, MD; Jennifer E. Gerber, MSc; Shirani D. Rajan, MSPH; Gypsyamber D’Souza, PhD, Journal of the American Medical Association, Jan 2015


Miren Taberna, MD, Ronald C. Inglehart, Robert K. L. Pickard, Carole Fakhry, MD, MPH, Amit Agrawal, MD, Mira L. Katz, PhD and Maura L. Gillison, MD, PhD, Cancer Jan 2017

Audio FIles

Audio file of Dr. Gillison explaining the impact of the October 2011 research on the rise of HPV in oral cancers. Play Dr. Gillison Rise in HPV Sound Audio file Prevalence of Oral HPV Infection Higher Among Men Than Women Play Dr. Gillison HPV Infection Higher In Men Sound Information about viruses and all types of cancer Oral Cancer Foundation

•••If you are a doctor that wishes to have tissue samples tested for HPV, or a patient that wishes to provide information to your doctor on where this can be done with accuracy; OCF recommends that you have the testing done by Johns Hopkins Medical Laboratories. They have a great deal of expertise and experience.

The directions on how to contact them or where to send samples to are located at this link.