At the Global Oral Cancer Forum with Dr. Anil Chaturvedi, from the National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch. His work addresses research questions on etiology and natural history that have high potential for translation into efforts for screening and early detection of head and neck cancer. He has been a frequent co-publisher of peer reviewed published science with Dr. Maura Gillison, which were co-funded by OCF and its donors. The resulting knowledge has revealed much about the HPV virus. His work and insights have helped OCF choose the most productive areas to invest in for the last decade plus, as we worked our way through understanding the virus and its ability to initiate malignancies. I would also add that being part of the NIH/National Cancer Institute, my and OCF’s relationships like this, beyond the science they produce and allow OCF to leverage, also help me understand the pathways through the NCI halls and the appropriate people to engage as we move the oral cancer idea in directions we believe will have the maximum impact on patients lives. His knowledge related to immunosuppression alone, is in an arena that is becoming one of the most important cancer research directions, and resulting therapies ever explored.